The Black Syracuse Project

Archive for March, 2011|Monthly archive page

Ethel Edwards

In Oral History Interviews, People's AME Zion Church on March 20, 2011 at 11:30 am

Ethel Edwards was born and raised in Syracuse, New York.  Here she is being interviewed by the Committee to Save 711 East Fayette Street.  711 East Fayette is the location of the old building of People’s AME Zion Church in Syracuse.

See I got baptized at Bethany Baptist, they had a pool right underneath the pulpit like we have one here, too.  All they had to do was just change my memory chip from one church to the other.  So I didn’t have to get baptized here.

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Letitia Harris

In Oral History Interviews on March 8, 2011 at 12:36 pm

Letitia Harris is the daughter of famous Syracuse artist Falstaff Harris.  Here she is interviewed in her home by Nancy Keefe Rhodes and Joan Bryant.

My sister and I used to sit and try to, you know, remember.  She remembers more because she’s older but I remember faces.  Cab Calloway was always over.  Cab Calloway was from D.C. too.  Who else was there.  Paul Robeson was there more than once.

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Richard Breland Photography

In Photographs on March 6, 2011 at 10:37 am

Birdie in 1956

Lorraine & June in 1956

Jessie Grace Griffin

In Oral History Interviews on March 4, 2011 at 10:30 am

Jessie Grace Griffin is interviewed here by Tasneem Grace Tewogbola on July 29th, 2010.

Yes, there was a lot of people in Syracuse from the South but it was a long time before I met anybody from Georgia.

Where were a lot of people from?

Most people I met was from always Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida.  And it was after I finally found someone from Georgia, I just felt more at home. Read the rest of this entry »

Kyle Bass

In Oral History Interviews on March 2, 2011 at 7:05 pm

Kyle Bass is a dramaturg at Syracuse Stage in Syracuse, New York.   He grew up in Frankfort, a small town near Utica, New York.  Here he is being interviewed by Tasneem Grace Tewogbola about his life and family in Central New York.

My parents bought a house in Frankfort, New York, in 1963.  This black couple with six children bought this house in rural upstate New York.  And the house was right across the street from a migrant camp.

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